Indoor Flying at Ashfield Girls School
The Belfast Model Flying Club organises sessions for Indoor Radio Control flying at Ashfield Girls School, Holywood Road, Belfast on the second Saturday of the month running from September to April, from 2pm to 5pm.
The sessions are split into fifteen minute intervals – roughly the length of a battery charge – consisting of :-
Light models
Helicopter – Drone
Small Aerobatic
Large Aerobatic
Some members have a suitable model for each type resulting in a great busy flying day.
The charge for the season is £60.00, paid up front. Prepaying is the most cost effective to get a season of eight, three hour sessions. To make contact see web site contact section.
Come join us and have a lot of flying fun during those drab winter days when outdoor flying is just not going to happen.
We have only one major caveat – You MUST be insured to cover damage to property and injury to others.