Belfast Model Flying Club -Indoor Flying sessions recommencing
We are flying at two indoor locations this season, details as below:-
Ashfield Girls School – Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 2LY
Date: Saturday 9th September 2017 – then 2nd Saturday of every month thereafter to April 2018.
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
St Brides Hall – Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast BT9 6FP
Date: Thursday 28th September – then 4th Thursday of each month thereafter to April 2018.
Time: 19:30 – 21:30
Some examples of aircraft type flown at our indoor flying sessions:-
Vapors, Ares, Mini E-flite Aircraft, 3D Planes, Helicopters and Multi-rotors.
If you wish to view/experience indoor radio control flying, please come along to any of our sessions and have a chat with us, you’ll be made welcome. No appointment necessary.
There is no charge for spectators, however a fee is payable on the afternoon/evening for those visitors who wish to fly when attending our sessions.
If you intend to fly with us you will be required to provide proof of insurance.
If you have any queries on the above, BMFC club contacts are listed below:-
Maurice Doyle Tel/Mobile 028 9042 411307917794554
Maurice JessTelephone 02891874194
Rodney O’Neill Telephone 02891872380